Distribution should undo Excess: A Marxian Deconstruction of In Other Rooms, Other Wonders


  • Shaehroz Anjum Butt
  • Zareena Qasim
  • Maryam Javed




AntConc 3.5.9, Class stratification, Lexical choice, Marxian Deconstruction, Provide, Provide


The study in question is descriptive in nature and confirms primarily to the qualitative parameters of the research which is triangulated by the tabulation of the frequency of the lexical items. It takes into account a short story namely Provide, Provide extracted from the collection of stories entitled In Other Rooms, Other Wonders (2009) by Daniyal Mueenuddin. The selected text has been subjected to Marx’s concept of class stratification, as he sees history divided into two broad classes of oppressor and oppressed. The researcher has further scrutinized the text by applying the model of lexical cohesion expounded by Halliday and Hassan (1976). The analysis has been carried out by close reading of the text and by shining light on the instances where the glaring class divide is evident. Further, the lexical cohesion is evaluated by carrying out the analysis in manual terms along with the corpus tool AntConc 3.5.9 for more clarification. The findings indicate that the characters fall into two opposing classes which highlight the Marxian perspective prevalent in the text. Additionally, the lexical choice of the author validates the same subject matter embedded in the story. This elucubration is significant in the sense that it utilizes the both literary conception and linguistic tool for the clarification of the analysis. Therefore, it paves the way for researchers to unlock the potential in social sciences by crafting a complex of theoretical frameworks.



How to Cite

Butt, S. A. ., Qasim, Z. ., & Javed, M. . (2022). Distribution should undo Excess: A Marxian Deconstruction of In Other Rooms, Other Wonders. International Journal of Linguistics and Culture, 3(2), 43-67. https://doi.org/10.52700/ijlc.v3i2.117